Ride the Next Wave of Opportunity...
IT Certified Training
Start your career in IT or reach the next level by qualifying with one or more of our accredited IT courses. Certified with the Chartered Institute for IT (BCS), Next Wave Training brings you qualifications nationally recognised by employers. Work at your own pace with our support and change your career path. Class-based with some online options and courses available for schools. Use our contact form to find out more, or click on the image
IT Short Courses
Non-accredited. If you don't want a full qualification, you can take our business software courses to vastly improve your knowledge of business software such as:
spreadsheets, word processing, presentations and cloud software. We offer tutor-led online courses, or face to face. On completion, you will receive a certificate of achievement from us to use in conjunction with your CV. Use our contact form to find out more, or click on the image